Motherboard Servicing
Solving your Motherboard Problems using our Advance chip-level Desktop Servicing.Toner & Catridge Refilling
Newer run out of ink anymore. We have this quality refilling to variety of devices.Desktop Servicing
Using the latest diagnostic tools, we are equipped for diagnosing the problem and making your desktop fix asapData Recovery
Never lose your valuable documents, We provide data recovery from all kinds of ROM'sBGA Reworks
Repairing are not child play we are serious hence the advanced facilities like BGA Reworks Available with usLaptop Servicing
looking for Laptop Experts Handover your Laps to trusted laptop service center in calicut. all brands acceptedNO FIX, NO FEE
Repair on Demand30 DAYS WARRANTY
Guaranteed ServiceEXPERT STAFF
Available AnytimeInstant Service
Professional Team ForceRight Angle for Computers
Right Angle Systems – the 20+ years Experienced concern in computer service
We are renowned Computer and laptop service in Calicut. we use advanced technology to improve the life of your laptops,desktops, printers, monitors and so on. Our certified technicians provide quality service at rock bottom prices.
What We Offer
Our Partners

Multi Brand Repair Services
Life without our Pc’s, laptops & printers is just unimaginable! So if these are ailing with hardware or software issues and you are wondering who will fix my PC instantly Our certified experts will resolve them all. From computer repair services, laptop repair services to printer repair services Our expert shall detect all concerns and accomplish everything from software installation to motherboard repair.
Easy way to get your PC repaired
If your device breaks, don't panic. We offer a huge range of laptop & desktop repair services.
Pack Up your precious devices if you can or Call Us for on site services
Our trained technicians will repair your laptop or desktop device quickly & efficiently, keeping you informed all the way.
Get back that smile of joy with our assistances. We will make sure you device is returned with working state.